IMPROVE YOUR PLAY #36 with Larry Matheny

Matchpoint (pairs) is a difficult game.  An important thing to remember is that the scoring system rewards playing in a major suit or notrump contract far more than it does the poor minor suits.  Here is a good example.
Scoring: Matchpoints

Hand #36
Dlr   E
Vul N-S
S 85
H 952
D AKJ764
C J6
S 1094
H QJ106
D 1082
C Q95
S 732
H AK87
D 9
C K10743

H 43
D Q53
C A82
West North

 Pass 1NT*
    2D    Pass
    4D        Pass
All Pass


BIDDING:   North-South play a 2/1 game forcing system with a 1NT forcing response to a major suit opening.  South's 2C rebid showed at least three clubs and a range of 12-16 high card points.  North's 2D bid showed a good suit with no interest in game opposite a minimum opener.  South's raise to 3D indicated extra strength with diamond support.  It seemed likely that South had a doubleton heart so North was reluctant to play notrump but he was strong enough to try for a diamond game.  South's 4S bid showed a strong five card suit and suggested it as the final contract.  Holding a doubleton spade, North was happy to pass.

PLAY:  West led a heart and declarer soon made eleven tricks.  Those in 4S scored +650 while those in 5D had to be content with +600.  And those brave souls who wandered into 3NT also received +600 because the opponents' hearts divided 4-4.  It's a rough game.

Copyright ©2007 Larry Matheny.