IMPROVE YOUR PLAY #26 with Larry Matheny

A simple overcall has many roles.  It can suggest a sacrifice, buy the contract, or ask for a lead.  The following hand has a lead directing overcall and also shows how important carding is to the defense. 

Hand #26
Dlr   S
Vul N-S
S J107542
H 1092
D J2
C 42
S 6
H AQ87
D 98765
C 1053
S 9
H 6543
D 43

C 98
West North

 Pass 2H  3C 3S
  Pass     4S All Pass

BIDDING:  After South's 2C opening bid, North used an artificial 2H bid to show a very weak hand containing 0-3 high card points.  East took advantage of the vulnerability to make a lead directing overcall and North-South continued on to game. 

PLAY:  West led the club three to his partner's jack.  When East continued with another high club, West had the opportunity to make a SUIT PREFERENCE play.  He followed with the ten to show values in hearts, the higher ranking of the two side suits.  Switch his red suit holdings and he would have played the five of clubs.  Looking at the problem from the East seat, without help from his partner East would have no idea how to continue after winning the second club trick. 

Note that without the heart shift, declarer will make the hand by drawing trumps and then discarding two of dummy's heart losers on good diamonds.  The opportunities for suit preference occur frequently so remember: every card you play has a meaning.

Copyright ©2007 Larry Matheny.