IMPROVE YOUR PLAY #22 with Larry Matheny

The splinter bid has been around for a long time but many players fail to take advantage of it.  Simply stated, a splinter bid shows support for partner's suit and shortness in the suit bid.  Here it is in action.

SCORING: Matchpoints

Hand #22
Dlr   N
Vul E-W
S A9
H KJ85
D 8
C AK8762
S J10643
H 107
D 5432
C Q4
S 752
H 6
D AKQ1096
C 1093

H AQ9432
D J7
C J5
West North

1C  2D 2H
 Pass 4D* Pass
    5D    Pass
All pass

*Splinter Bid

BIDDING:  After North's 1C opening bid, East made a weak jump overcall of 2D.  At unfavorable vulnerability, this showed a very good suit with little else.  South had an easy 2H call and North, holding extras, jumped to 4D.  This splinter bid showed the values to bid 4H as well as a singleton or void in diamonds.  That was all South needed to move toward slam.  His 4NT call asked for the number of keycards (aces + heart king) and responder showed 0-3.  Realizing they were missing one keycard, South settled for the small slam.

PLAY:   South lost the first trick in diamonds and was able to claim the rest.  To fully appreciate the value of the splinter bid, just visualize North with two small diamonds.  Now North would jump to 4H over South's 2H call and no form of ace asking would help.

Copyright ©2007 Larry Matheny.