IMPROVE YOUR PLAY #06-01 with Larry Matheny

It's often easy to reach your best contract when the opponents remain silent, but when there is interference, look out.  I can describe this hand with two words: preempts work!  Take a look.

Scoring:  Matchpoints

Hand #1
Dlr  E
Vul N-S
S KJ10954
H 3
C KJ9832
S AQ63
H Q1074
D 9873
C 10
S 872
H 52
D KQJ654
C 76

H AKJ986
D A102
C AQ54
West North

2D 3H
    5D    DBL
All Pass
BIDDING:  East opened a weak two bid and South felt his hand was too good to merely overcall.  A takeout double followed by a heart bid might work but might also encourage his partner to bid spades.  He finally settled on a jump to 3H to show extra values and a good suit.  Looking at favorable vulnerability, West leaped to 5D to put maximum pressure on his opponents.  North had values but no hearts and finally decided to double.  South closed the auction by rebidding his hearts, a questionable decision since his first bid showed a good suit and North did not raise.

:  West led a diamond and declarer ruffed in dummy.  There was no way for South to avoid losing two hearts and a diamond for down one when he was cold for a grand slam in clubs.  Without the preempts, North would be able to show both of his suits and at least a small slam would likely be reached. 

Note that East-West would be down three in 5D doubled for -500.  That makes it a good sacrifice over 4H which would score +620.  Once again vulnerability was an important factor.

Copyright ©2007 Larry Matheny.