with Larry Matheny

Although you probably won't know most of your opponents, sometimes you come up against a player whose habits are known to you.  Take a look.

Scoring:  Matchpoints (Pairs)
Hand #19
Dlr   E
Vul None
S J962
H AJ85
C A5
S 1084
H 6
D 9843
C QJ1074
S K3
H Q10973
D K107
C K86

S AQ75
H K42
D A65
C 932
West North

   Pass     1H     Pass     1S
    4S     Pass 

BIDDING:  North-South had a routine auction to the spade game.

PLAY:  Sitting South I recognized West as a player who loves to lead singletons so when the six of hearts hit the table, I kept this in mind.  I played the eight from dummy and won the king in my hand.  I had one loser in each minor so I had to avoid losing two in the majors.  The first problem was the trump suit.  I led a low club to dummy's ace followed by a low spade.  I was pleased when my queen won the trick.  Next I led a low club from hand won by East with the eight.  After some thought, he  played the king of clubs and I ruffed in dummy.  Still thinking about heart shortness on my left (therefore possible length in spades) , I led the nine of spades from dummy and was rewarded with the king from East.  The contract was now safe so I turned my attention to a possible overtrick.  I could take a heart finesse but I still felt West was short in that suit.  Even though it was against the odds, I decided instead to attempt to end-play East.  After drawing the last trump, I led the queen of diamonds from dummy.  East covered with the king and I won the ace.  Next I played a diamond to the jack and a third one to East's ten.  Left with nothing but hearts, East resigned.  This end position was easy to see so East should have unblocked the diamond ten under the jack.

Note that East can give his partner a heart ruff but it's usually wrong when you expect to win the trick yourself.  Also, if West had false carded by playing the eight of spades on the first round of trumps, I may have been tempted to play him for 104 doubleton and lead the jack of spades on the second round. 

Copyright ©2009 Larry Matheny.