with Larry Matheny

Here is a hand that shows how complex defense can be.  Of course, with those difficult hands, getting it just right is so very satisfying.  Take a look.

Scoring:  Pairs (Matchpoints)

Hand #6
Dlr   S
Vul E/W
S J9754
H Q10
D 98
C A862
S 6
H K9732
D Q2
C Q10975
H A654
D 643
C J3

S 1032
H J8
D AKJ1075
C K4
West North

   Pass     1S    Pass

BIDDING:  North-South had a routine auction to a diamond part score.  North's spade bid and the vulnerability kept East-West from competing.

PLAY:  West led his singleton spade to East's queen.  On the second and third high spades, West discarded the nine and three of hearts.  East next led a low heart to the king and won the return with his ace.  It was now time to play the last spade and West's queen of trump was bound to win a trick.  A score of +50 earned most of the matchpoints.  At many tables, East quickly played four rounds of spades allowing the declarers to jettison a heart loser.  Those East-West pairs ended with only five tricks and an poor score of -110.  It is usually right to cash your side tricks before attempting to promote an honor in partner's hand.

Coincidentally, a trump promotion is also available if East-West are in a heart contract.  They have only four minor suit losers but will have to lose a heart trick if a third diamond is led. 

Copyright ©2009 Larry Matheny.