with Larry Matheny

Overtricks are so important in a pairs event.  Many players don't understand that making or defeating a contract is not the goal; rather it's achieving the largest plus or smallest minus score.  Take a look at this hunt for overtricks.

Scoring:  Pairs (Matchpoints)

Hand #5
Dlr   E
Vul N/S
S A432
C K8543
S J65
H 105
D 97642
C J72
S K87
H 74
D AK853
C Q106

S Q109
H AQ9632
D Q10
C A9
West North

1D 1H
    3D     4H    Pass

BIDDING:  West's jump showed a weak hand with long diamonds.  North had just enough to bid game but not enough to cue bid diamonds to show a bigger hand.  With wasted values in diamonds, South quietly passed.

PLAY:  West led a diamond to East who exited with a heart to dummy.  The auction placed the king of spades in the East hand so eleven tricks would be easy.  But, South saw a chance for one more.  After drawing trumps, declarer played ace, king, and a third club ruffing in his hand.  With the clubs dividing 3-3, he had two discards for his spades.  If the clubs had not behaved, he could still lead a spade to dummy's ace and another back toward his hand for the overtrick. 

It is essential to remember the auction when declaring or defending.

Copyright ©2009 Larry Matheny.