with Larry Matheny

You can't always trust your opponents so you must be alert at all times.  Here is a hand where I tried to be a bit sneaky but the declarer was more than capable of dealing with me. 

Scoring:  Matchpoints (Pairs)

Hand #52
Dlr   E
Vul N/S
S A75
H Q6
D K743
C 6532
S 64
H AK743
D 1095
C 1094
S K108
H J102
D QJ862
C J8

S QJ932
H 985
West North

   2S    Pass
    Pass    4S All Pass
BIDDING:  After North's raise, South made a game try and North accepted.

PLAY:  West led the ace of hearts and sitting East, I felt our best chance of beating this contract was to take two trump tricks along with the two hearts.  I followed to the first trick with the jack of hearts and then played the deuce on the second.  My partner continued with a third heart hoping I could over ruff dummy.  Declarer also saw my high-low and trumped the third heart with the ace of spades just as I had hoped he would do.  However, when I followed to the third heart, declarer knew I was up to something.  It wouldn't work to now lead a low spade to his queen because he had no way to get back to dummy to lead another one.  Playing his hunch, he led a low spade to his nine.  Next he played the spade queen and was able to keep his trump losers to one.  I had tried but declarer wasn't about to fall for my attempt to fool him.  It was just my luck to try it against this particular declarer.

From declarer's point of view, it was true I did not have to hold the ten of spades but my attempt to promote a second trump trick made it very likely. 

Copyright ©2008 Larry Matheny.