with Larry Matheny

Good matchpoint players are always looking for ways to find extra tricks.  Here's a hand where it was a simple math problem.  Take a look.

Scoring:  Matchpoints (Pairs)

Hand #51
Dlr   E
Vul N/S
S K4
H KJ752
C 875
S QJ9852
H 9
D QJ873
S 106
H 43
D 964
C KQ10942

S A73
H AQ1086
D 102
C A63
West North

    Pass    4H All Pass

BIDDING:  East took advantage of the vulnerability to preempt with his six-card club suit.  South overcalled and North had an easy raise to game.  In fact, North probably should have cue bid clubs to show a very good raise.

PLAY:  West led his partner's suit and East overtook with the queen.  Declarer won the ace and saw his only losers were the two small clubs.  He drew trumps and started counting East's hand.  He had six clubs and followed to two hearts.  Next declarer played three rounds of diamonds ruffing in his hand as East followed.  He continued with a spade to dummy's king and another back to his ace.  He now had a complete picture: East was marked with 2-2-3-6 distribution.  Accordingly, declarer led his last spade and discarded a club from dummy.  West won the trick but could only return a spade or a diamond allowing declarer to discard dummy's last club as declarer ruffed in his hand.  Making six was worth most of the matchpoints. 

Without East's preempt, it would have been difficult for declarer to obtain a complete count of the distribution.

Copyright ©2008 Larry Matheny.