with Larry Matheny

Reaching the best contract is easier when you have the right tools.   Take a look at a hand that swung a match.

Scoring:  Teams (IMPs)

Hand #37
Dlr   E
Vul E/W
S 1032
H 9
D AQ76
C K9852
S AQ76
H 10654
D 943
C 73
S KJ985
H 83
D KJ102
C A10

S 4
D 85
C QJ64
West North

1S 2H
    2S    DBL*
All Pass

*Responsive double

:  In a local Swiss Team event, the first three bids were the same at both tables.  Next, my partner in the North seat made a responsive double showing the other two suits and enough values to bid at the three level.  I realized our club fit gave us a good chance for ten tricks and since my suit was so strong, I bid game in hearts.  At the other table, North was stuck for a bid and eventually passed. 

PLAY:   West led ace and another spade and I quickly wrapped up eleven tricks losing only to the two black aces.  (A diamond shift at trick two would prevent the overtrick.)  Our teammates at the other table took nine tricks in their spade partial.  The two scores of +450 and +140 meant 11 IMPs for our team and we went on to win the match. 

The responsive double is a cousin to the negative double.  The negative double is used over interference when your side opens the auction.  The responsive double is available when an opponent opens in a suit and is raised by his partner.  I recommend you research this convention and add it to your card.

Copyright ©2008 Larry Matheny.