with Larry Matheny

Defense can be difficult but sometimes it's very simple.  Here is a hand where a defender didn't pay enough attention to his partner's cards.  Take a  look.

Scoring:  Matchpoints (Pairs Game)

Hand #33
Dlr   E
Vul E/W
S J105
H A3
D KJ1075
C Q107
S Q9832
H 9862
D 83
C 32
S A64
H J10754
D 9
C AJ94

S K7
D AQ642
C K865
West North

   Pass    3NT All Pass

BIDDING:  South had an easy 1NT opener and his partner raised to game.

PLAY:  West was practically broke but led the fourth best in her longest and strongest suit.  East won the ace of spades and returned the six as West followed with the deuce.  Declarer could only count eight tricks (1 spade, 2 hearts, and 5 diamonds) and since the lead of the spade three followed by the two promised a five card suit, declarer knew he was in trouble.  His only chance was to catch a defender napping.  At trick three declarer led a low diamond to dummy's jack followed by a low club.  East followed with the nine and declarer's king was his ninth trick.  East was so intent on not losing a club trick, he allowed the contract to succeed.  He should have known to rise with the ace of clubs and lead his last spade to his partner's established suit.

Copyright ©2008 Larry Matheny.