with Larry Matheny

There's no doubt that some amount of good luck is necessary to turn an average session into a great one.  Here's a hand where a lot of luck was needed.

Scoring:  IMPs  (Teams)
Hand #28
Dlr   S
Vul N/S
S 74
H 865
D Q3
C A108765
S Q52
H Q107432
D 964
C 9
S A1063
H A9
D K10872
C K2

S KJ98
C QJ43
West North

    Pass     3C*     Pass    3NT
All Pass

*Invitational (!)

BIDDING:  Our team was behind when this hand arrived at our table.  Sitting South, I opened a routine 1NT and accepted my partner's invitation to game.  When dummy hit I was shocked and wondered how just far behind my partner thought we were.

PLAY:  West led a low heart to East's ace and I won the continuation with the king.  A lot of cards had to be right for this contract to make so I took a deep breath and led the queen of clubs.  East won the king and just when I expected to see another heart, a low spade landed on the table.  My first stroke of luck; apparently the hearts were divided 6-2.  Since I would always go down if the spade ace was on my left, I rose with the king and won the trick.  That was my second piece of good luck.  I ran the clubs and eventually led a diamond to my jack which won and I had nine tricks. 

Our opponents stopped in a club partial so this was a 10 IMP gain.  It was a fun hand but I'm afraid it will only serve to encourage my partner.

Copyright ©2007 Larry Matheny.