with Larry Matheny

As a defender it is important to place the opponents' high cards.  Here East knew he could not count on his partner for help so he defended accordingly.  Take the East chair and plan your defense.

Scoring:  Swiss Teams
Hand #7
Dlr   S
S K6
H J74
D AJ1065
C 984
S 1054
H 1098652
D 32
C 52
S AQ982
H 3
D K9
C AJ1076

S J73
D Q874
West North

    2NT     Pass
All Pass

* 15-17 HCP

BIDDING:  East had a nice hand but when the auction reached him, he realized bidding would be very dangerous.  South, holding a maximum 1NT opener, accepted his partner's invitation to game.

Holding such a weak hand, perhaps West should have led a short suit in an attempt to find his partner's strength, but he finally selected the ten of hearts.  Declarer won the heart and immediately took the diamond finesse.  East won the king and realized if South held the 16-17 points his 3NT promised, West was broke.  But, East saw a way to beat the hand...he led a low spade.  Declarer won the king in dummy and led a low club.  East jumped up with the ace and cashed four more spades to beat the contract by two tricks.  This was a team game and at the other table, after winning the king of diamonds, East led a low club hoping to find his partner with an honor.  That South easily made his contract with three hearts, four diamonds, and two clubs.

If declarer held four spades including the jack this defense would not have worked, but East took the best chance he had.  Note that East must win the first club or declarer would have nine tricks.  Defense is sometimes difficult but in this hand, all East had to do was some simple math.

Copyright ©2007 Larry Matheny.